If you’re like most people, you aren’t eager to spend time thinking about what would happen if you became unable to direct your own medical care because of illness, an accident, or advanced age. However, if you don’t do at least a little bit of planning — writing down your wishes about the kinds of […]
Our Story
It wasn’t until my Grandmother died and I become a Mother myself, that I realized when it comes to our family, we want to be sure they are protected and prepared for whatever life brings them. There are so many things we need to remember. It is virtually impossible to remember everything we need to without writing it down somewhere. The problem for many of us is that we try to keep all the information in our own head, in files, or we write things down on slips of paper that are scattered everywhere that no one understands but us (and even we find notes that we wrote and we no longer have a clue what they were about)!
If something was to happen to me, I did not want my family to have to have to worry about pulling all this information together. Also, as a member of the “sandwich generation”, I did not feel comfortable asking my Parents and In-Laws tough questions about their personal, medical, financial records and end of life wishes. It’s just a difficult issue that (while everyone has to deal with it)…not many wish to talk to about it.
That is why I set out to create Yup I’m Dead…Now What? This Book/Planner is a valuable resource and gift to loved ones that will guide you through the process of getting your crap together so your family doesn’t have to! My goal was to give you one source to record valuable, personal information that you can have in your home and/or share with loved ones. I also wanted my family to know what to expect, and what to do, when the time comes for me to drop Dead as a Doornail. Knowing that this will be one of the most difficult times for my children, I wanted to keep this Book “light hearted”, and I surely do not want to contribute to their stress and frustration by leaving my life memories, important records and final wishes spread all over the place. I wanted my personal information and final wishes compiled in one location where they can easily turn to when the time comes. It will guide them through the first days, weeks and months following your departure.
Yup I’m Dead…Now What? will provide those you love with the information they need to handle the practical aspects of your Death. If possible, we recommend you sit down with your family and review the information you’ve entered, so they know what to expect when the time comes.
While nobody wants to contemplate his or her own death, you can give your loved ones a certain amount of peace of mind by maintaining an updated will, investing in some life insurance, and completing this Planner, which will provide support and guidance regarding your final wishes when your family needs it most. My hope is that by using this Planner, you will be able to spend more time enjoying your family and less time searching for records and worrying about end of life decisions!